Camp Site Bedding Re-Defined

Both offering cloud like comfort, the Cirrus Range [pillow and single self-inflating mattress] is both built for wild weather and great adventures.
But when it comes to luxurious, easy sleeping comfort nothing can touch our Stratus Range. Consisting of a pillow, XL single self-inflating mattress and double self-inflating mattress, our Stratus Range has been precisely designed for maximum sleep comfort, rapid inflation, and compact storage.
Core to the mattresses is our AeroFrame Foam Core™, a unique, high quality internal foam with specifically cut triangulated channels designed to accommodate an individual’s size, shape and weight. Its construction delivers full form support- allowing them to twist and turn without disturbing their partner.
Find more information on both ranges here, and expect them in store before the end of this month.
You may like to camp rough, but you should always sleep well.
Here's some more details on the ranges from Trent (our product development manager) himself.